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The Germany 2021 calendars on this page include list of holidays in Germany. Multiple styles are available for free download, print, edit, and/or customize. All one-page yearly calendars are downloadable in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PDF format. You may create your own calendar using our custom calendar page to get Monday start calendar or calendar with week numbers. Germany monthly calendars are also available for free.

The free yearly calendar features the list of holidays in Germany for the year 2021. The 12-month single page calendar is available in Microsoft Word, Excel, or PDF format. This free calendar template by General Blue starts on Sunday. It is editable, customizable, downloadable, printable and free.

 - Body Art Hirschberg Germany 2021 Calendars Pdf

This colorful 2021 calendar with DE holidays features a streamlined design with minimal borders and light colors highlighting the quarters of the year. The calendar is a single page which includes the list of 2021 Germany holidays. You can print the Sunday start holiday calendar directly from the website using the PDF or the print button (if you don’t want to download the calendar before printing).

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This simple full year calendar for 2021 features the list of Germany holidays for the entire year in a single page. This Sunday start yearly calendar is available in portrait layout which can be downloaded as PDF, Microsoft Word, or Excel. The Germany holidays calendar for 2021 is useable for those who are looking for an editable calendar, desk calendars, or any 12-month calendar for display.

This Germany 2021 holiday calendar starts on Sunday and is available for download in PDF, Word, and Excel formats. The calendar is one page which contains the full 12-month calendar and list of holidays in Germany. This simple and classic design is one of the recommended versions for those who are looking for a printable calendar since it helps conserve toner or ink when you print.

The printable 2021 calendar for Germany shows the list of country holidays for entire year of 2021. It is free to download in multiple formats (PDF, Word, and Excel). This Sunday start calendar is designed with months being highlighted in a light blue color for easier visibility.

Germany Free Calendar PDF Template - Body Art Hirschberg Germany 2021 Calendars Pdf

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Download or print this free Germany 2021 calendar with holidays as PDF, Word document, or Excel spreadsheet. The Sunday start yearly calendar is created in portrait layout, showing all the 12-month calendars in one page.

The 2021 Germany free calendar with holidays features a stylish dark blue calendar design which is great for viewing online or saving on your mobile/desktop. This one-page yearly calendar starts on Sunday.

Calendar With Germany Holidays PDF - Body Art Hirschberg Germany 2021 Calendars Pdf

The free to download Germany 2021 calendar with holidays is a stylish one-page calendar template which utilizes black and red calendar colors. It is great for those who are looking for an online calendar to view or download on their computer. This holiday calendar is printable and editable as well.

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The calendars above are some of the free downloadable and printable high-quality yearly calendars for Germany. Easy to edit calendar versions are available in Microsoft Word and Excel. The Germany 2021 Excel calendar versions are best for maintaining an online calendar, in which you can easily save the calendar to your computer. You may edit and add your schedule to the calendar and it allows you to view the Germany holidays through the year. Plan your events easily with the 2021 Germany Word calendar versions. Customize and add your events, schedules, and reminders. Once you have completed your calendar, you can easily email or print your event calendar with your co-workers and friends. The 2021 PDF calendar version is optimized for printing purposes. These PDF calendars are perfect when you need to print a one-page calendar containing the entire 12 months in a single page and the list of holidays in Germany. It is perfect for putting on the desk, boards or for personal use at the fridge. All yearly calendars for Germany in this page start on Sunday and doesn't include week numbers. If you are simply looking for an online calendar to print, a print button is provided in each calendar style so you can print a calendar directly without having to download the calendars.

 - Body Art Hirschberg Germany 2021 Calendars Pdf

The calendars above are some of the free downloadable and printable high-quality yearly calendars for Germany. Easy to edit calendar versions are available in Microsoft Word and Excel. The Germany 2021 Excel calendar versions are best for maintaining an online calendar, in which you can easily save the calendar to your computer. You may edit and add your schedule to the calendar and it allows you to view the Germany holidays through the year. Plan your events easily with the 2021 Germany Word calendar versions. Customize and add your events, schedules, and reminders. Once you have completed your calendar, you can easily email or print your event calendar with your co-workers and friends. The 2021 PDF calendar version is optimized for printing purposes. These PDF calendars are perfect when you need to print a one-page calendar containing the entire 12 months in a single page and the list of holidays in Germany. It is perfect for putting on the desk, boards or for personal use at the fridge. All yearly calendars for Germany in this page start on Sunday and doesn't include week numbers. If you are simply looking for an online calendar to print, a print button is provided in each calendar style so you can print a calendar directly without having to download the calendars.

 - Body Art Hirschberg Germany 2021 Calendars Pdf

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Pembelian mendesak GameStop adalah pembelian mendesak efek GameStop dan sejumlah efek lain yang diperdagangkan di Bursa Efek New York dan NASDAQ di antara bursa saham lainnya. Pembelian mendesak GameStop meningkatkan harga saham hingga hampir 900 kali lipat dari rekor terendahnya, menyentuh harga $500 tiap sahap pada 28 Januari 2021, sehingga menyebabkan kerugian besar bagi penjual saham kosong. Ketergesaan untuk menutupi posisi ini hanya akan mendorong harga lebih tinggi lagi.

Pada 28 Januari, Robinhood menghentikan pembelian efek GameStop dan efek lainnya, sehingga mendapatkan kritik dan tuduhan manipulasi pasar dan politikus dan pelaku bisnis terkemuka dari seluruh spektrum politik, termasuk Senator Ted Cruz, Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Donald Trump Jr., dan CEO Tesla Elon Musk. Gugatan perwakilan kelompok juga diajukan terhadap Robinhood di Distrik Selatan New York dan Distrik Utara Illinois Pengadilan Distrik Amerika Serikat.

Apa Itu GameStop, Perusahaan Game Yang Sahamnya Belakangan Meroket? - Body Art Wikipedia Gamestop Credito Solidario

Pada 22 Januari 2021, sekitar 140% dari pengambangan GameStop (porsi saham perusahaan yang berada di tangan investor publik) telah dijual kosong, bermakna saham yang dijual kosong dipinjamkan kembali dan dijual kosong lagi.

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Pengamat yang berkumpul di sekitar r/wallstreetbets percaya bahwa perusahaan sedang mengalami penilaian rendah secara signifikan dan dengan jumlah saham yang begitu tinggi, mereka dapat memicu pembelian mendesak dengan menaikkan harga ke titik ketika penjual kosong harus menyerah dan menutupi posisi mereka pada kerugian yang luar biasa.

GameStop, jejaring toko biasa permainan veo Amerika Serikat, telah berjuang dalam beberapa tahun terakhir karena persaingan dari layanan distribusi digital serta dampak ekonomi dari pandemi COV-19 yang menurunkan jumlah orang yang berbelanja. Akibatnya, harga saham GameStop menurun sehingga membuat banyak investor institusional menjual kosong sahamnya. Namun, pada September 2020, Ryan Cohen (mantan CEO pengecer makanan hewan peliharaan daring, Chewy) mengungkapkan investasi yang signifikan di GameStop dan bergabung dengan dewan perusahaan sehingga membuat banyak orang meyakini saham tersebut dinilai terlalu rendah.

Akibat pandemi COV-19, secara umum belanja konsumen turun drastis. Ada juga lebih banyak uang di tangan investor sebagai akibat dari suku bunga rendah secara historis dan ketakmampuan untuk membelanjakan uang mereka di tempat lain.

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Bahkan sebelum pembelian mendesak, GME telah tertarik dengan r/wallstreetbets. Seorang pengguna bernama Keith Gill, seorang pengusaha asuransi jiwa Massachusetts berusia 34 tahun,

Pada 29 Januari, Keith mengatakan bahwa ia mengira perdagangan ini akan berhasil, tetapi tak pernah mengharapkan apa yang terjadi selama seminggu terakhir.

Selain GameStop dan, dalam cara yang lebih kecil, BlackBerry, yang merupakan inti dari pembelian singkat yang dipicu oleh Reddit, banyak efek lain yang terpengaruh oleh pembelian efek setelah harga saham GameStop mulai meroket, sehingga sangat meningkatkan harga aset bagi efek berikut:

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GME Resources, sebuah perusahaan pertambangan Australia, melihat saham mereka meningkat secara signifikan lebih dari 50% selama perdagangan intrahari dan ditutup dengan kenaikan 13, 3% pada 28 Januari. Hal ini dispekulasikan terjadi sebagai lelucon mengingat simbol saham yang sama di bursa yang berbeda.

Pedagang amatir di Malaysia terilhami oleh pembelian mendesak GameStop untuk menyasar saham pembuat sarung tangan lateks di Bursa Malaysia sebagai langkah balasan kepada devaluasi sektor oleh investor institusional menyusul pencabutan larangan pembelian mendesak di negara itu pada awal Januari 2021. Top Glove, Hartalega, dan Supermax masing-masing mencatatkan kenaikan saham sebesar 15%, 10%, dan 9, 2% selama perdagangan intrahari pada tanggal 29 Januari, sebelum ditutup dengan kenaikan sebesar 8, 5%, 5, 4% and 3, 7%. Seruan pergerakan saham dilaporkan diorganisasi dari r/bursabets, saluran tiruan Malaysia dari r/wallstreetbets yang dinamakan berdasarkan bursa saham Malaysia., the company operates 4, 413 stores including 2, 949 in the United States, 216 in Canada, 419 in Australia and 829 in Europe under the GameStop, EB Games, EB Games Australia, Micromania-Zing, ThinkGeek and Zing Pop Culture brands.

The company's performance declined during the mid-to-late 2010s due to the shift of video game sales to online shopping and failed investmts by GameStop in smartphone retail. In 2021, after retail investors noticed that the short interest well exceeded the float, the company's stock price skyrocketed. According to the SEC report, this volatility was only in part due to the shorts covering their positions, but mostly thanks to the massive buying power of retail investors. The company received significant media atttion during January and February 2021 due to the volatility of its stock price. The company is now ranked 521st on the Fortune 500.

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In addition to retail stores, GameStop owns and publishes Game Informer, a video game magazine, transformed itself into an e-commerce business, and launched an NFT platform.

GameStop traces its roots to Babbage's, a Dallas, Texas-based software retailer founded in 1984 by former Harvard Business School classmates James McCurry and Gary M. Kusin.

The company quickly began to focus on video game sales for the th-dominant Atari 2600. Babbage's began selling Nintdo games in 1987.

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Babbage's merged with Software Etc., an Edina, Minnesota-based retailer that specialized in personal computing software, to create NeoStar Retail Group in 1994.

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The merger was structured as a stock swap, where shareholders of Babbage's and Software Etc. received shares of NeoStar, a newly formed holding company. Babbage's and Software Etc. continued to operate as indepdt subsidiaries of NeoStar and retained their respective sior managemt teams.

Babbage's founder and chairman James McCurry became chairman of NeoStar, while Babbage's presidt Gary Kusin and Software Etc. Presidt Daniel DeMatteo retained their respective titles. Software Etc. chairman Leonard Riggio became chairman of NeoStar's executive committee.

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Gary Kusin resigned as presidt of Babbage's in February 1995 to start a cosmetics company. Daniel DeMatteo, formerly presidt of Software Etc., assumed Kusin's duties and was promoted to presidt and chief operating officer of NeoStar. NeoStar chairman James McCurry was also appointed to the newly created position of NeoStar CEO.

NeoStar merged its Babbage's and Software Etc. units into a single organization in May 1996 amid declining sales. Company presidt Daniel DeMatteo also resigned, and NeoStar chairman and CEO James McCurry assumed the title of presidt.

In September of that year, after NeoStar was unable to secure the credit necessary to purchase invtory necessary for the holiday season, the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and appointed Thomas G. Plaskett chairman while James McCurry remained company chief executive and presidt.

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The leadership changes were not ough; in November 1996, the assets of NeoStar were purchased for $58.5 million by Leonard Riggio, a founder of Software Etc. and chairman and principal stockholder of Barnes & Noble. Electronics Boutique had also bid to purchase NeoStar, but the judge presiding over NeoStar's bankruptcy accepted Riggio's bid because it kept op 108 stores more than Electronics Boutique's bid would have. Approximately 200 retail stores were not included in the transaction and were subsequtly closed.

He appointed Richard "Dick" Fontaine, previously Software Etc.'s chief executive during its expansion in the late 1980s and early 1990s, as Babbage Etc.'s chief executive. Daniel DeMatteo, previously the presidt of both Software Etc. and NeoStar, became company presidt and COO.

 - Body Art Wikipedia Gamestop Credito Solidario

Three years later, in 1999, Babbage's Etc. launched its GameStop brand with 30 stores in strip malls. The company also launched, a website that allowed consumers to purchase video games online. was promoted in Babbage's and Software Etc. stores.

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Because Babbage's Etc. was principally owned by Leonard Riggio, who was also Barnes & Noble's chairman and principal shareholder, a special committee of indepdt directors of Barnes & Noble Booksellers evaluated and signed off on the deal.

A few months later, in May 2000, Barnes & Noble acquired Funco, the owner of Ed Prairie, Minnesota-based video game retailer FuncoLand, for $160 million.

Babbage's Etc., which had be previously operating as a direct subsidiary of Barnes & Noble, became a wholly owned subsidiary of Funco.

Apa Itu Gamestop, Perusahaan Game Yang Sahamnya Belakangan Meroket?

Barnes & Noble retained control over the newly public company with 67% of outstanding shares and 95% of voting shares. Barnes & Noble retained control over GameStop until October 2004, wh it distributed its 59% stake in GameStop to stakeholders of Barnes & Noble, making it an indepdt company.

In November 2014, Draw Another Circle LLC, a company controlled by merchandising executive Joel Weinshanker that also owns Hastings tertainmt, purchased MovieStop.

In October 2012 at Grapevine Mills in Dallas, GameStop introduced GameStop Kids, a pop-up retail concept. The brand, which had 80 locations in shopping malls during the Christmas and holiday season, focused on childr's products, and carried only games rated "Everyone" by the ESRB, along with merchandise of popular franchises aimed towards the demographic.

 - Body Art Wikipedia Gamestop Credito Solidario

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In July 2014, GameStop's Australian Division EB Games Australia introduced ZiNG Pop Culture—a pop culture retailer. ZiNG Pop Culture has since expanded to over 50 standalone stores as well as numerous large format hybrid stores, which include both an EB Games and Zing Pop Culture store in a single location with an expanded selection of games merchandise.

Daniel DeMatteo replaced Richard Fontaine as GameStop CEO in August 2008. DeMatteo had served as company COO since 1996. Fontaine, who had be GameStop chairman and CEO since 1996, remained the company's chairman.

The market for physical game media has be in a state of decline due to downloadable games on services such as Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, Nintdo eShop, and Steam.

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This has resulted in a decline in sales at GameStop. In 2017, GameStop reported a 16.4% drop in sales for the 2016 holiday season, but expressed optimism in its non-physical gaming businesses.

In February 2017, it was revealed that GameStop forced, on all of its retail employees, a program

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evolve body article about lifelong

If there is one phrase that is most universal in teacher-prep programs, it’s probably “lifelong learner.” And it’s true—when we head off to our first teaching assignment, we are not finished learning by a long shot. In fact, the journey is just beginning. But what we don’t often hear is that part of being a lifelong learner is evolving not only in

Futurist Alvin Toffler famously wrote, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” As educators we should be continually evolving in the practice of learning.

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1. Reframe our mindset. Education reformer Dylan Wiliam says, “If we create a culture where every teacher believes they need to improve, not because they are not good enough but because they can be even better, there is no limit to what we can achieve.”

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One strategy to unlearning is to embrace the mindset of continuous improvement. In our ever-changing world, the way we learn needs to continuously adapt to leverage new possibilities, not because we aren’t good enough but because we have even more opportunities to be better.

To be clear, we, as educators, aren’t the only ones who need to be unlearning and relearning. In fact, one of the biggest challenges we can face in the shift from more teacher-driven practices to learner-driven practices (e.g., project-based learning) is the pushback from kids who are used to learning a certain way, especially if they have mastered how to do what is needed to get that “A.” Both kids and adults can iterate, continuously improving and evolving as learners.

2. Be less helpful. I can imagine the visceral reaction some may have to the title of this section. It is often part of our identity as educators to be helpful, provide answers, and solve problems. However, when we burden ourselves with that hero mentality, we can miss out on the opportunity to learn from others, and we aren’t building capacity in others. We don’t want to rescue, we want to strategically insert ourselves.

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We also have to be brave enough to say, “I don’t know, and I’d love to learn that with you.” With both kids and our peers, we need to (cue Aaron Burr in

3. Ask more questions. I will date myself here, but I’m old enough to remember a time when if you needed information, you had two choices: find someone who knew a lot or head to the encyclopedia.

Steps For Teachers Seeking To Be Lifelong Learners - Evolve Body Article About Lifelong

Now we have a portal to information in our pocket, but with that comes new challenges such as finding and validating information to avoid confirmation bias and get out of our filter bubble. We need to evolve the way we learn because the world has evolved, and we have new and different opportunities to learn now.

Lifelong Learning Will Become A Human Need

When we move outside our building and our role/content area to gain a new perspective, there are even more options. We can use social media, read, and listen to podcasts. Here are some great examples. This shift to asset-based thinking is critical to embrace the robust options as we move forward.

Many of us spent our formative years with a teacher exclusively lecturing at the front of the room while we remained quietly and passively seated in rows to absorb information, but in the immortal words of Maya Angelou, “When you know better, you do better.”

 - Evolve Body Article About Lifelong

? This is an entertaining look at how neural pathways enter into the process of unlearning. Before that, though, how do we even know what we should unlearn?

Habits Of Evolving People. Here Are The Signs You Are Growing As A…

In the book Evolving Learner, my coauthors and I share how learning from kids, peers, and the world (our learning network) gives us the social and emotional support to be strong enough to be vulnerable. A cycle of inquiry, such as

, provides a structure to challenge our beliefs through action research. The two combined give us the capacity to learn, unlearn, and relearn as needed. As adaptive experts, we can do the following:

Body Remodeling By EVOLVE - Evolve Body Article About Lifelong

This is an ongoing, iterative process. We will almost certainly fail along the way, but that is a natural part of this messy, nonlinear, and sometimes scary process.

The Educational Intelligent Economy

Last year, organizational psychologist Adam Grant tweeted, “What we need in leaders is not confidence, but confident humility.” Whatever our role is in education, we are all leaders, and as someone who battles with impostor syndrome, I try to leverage that humility, but I also need confidence to move forward.

Somewhere between paralyzing impostor syndrome and insufferable arrogance, there is a sweet spot, and using the strategies shared above, I believe we can find it. We can challenge ourselves to continuously learn, unlearn, and relearn. When we make ourselves better learners, we are also better teachers, and we model to kids what it means to evolve as a learner.

PDF) Biological Underpinnings For Lifelong Learning Machines - Evolve Body Article About Lifelong

When we move outside our building and our role/content area to gain a new perspective, there are even more options. We can use social media, read, and listen to podcasts. Here are some great examples. This shift to asset-based thinking is critical to embrace the robust options as we move forward.

Many of us spent our formative years with a teacher exclusively lecturing at the front of the room while we remained quietly and passively seated in rows to absorb information, but in the immortal words of Maya Angelou, “When you know better, you do better.”

 - Evolve Body Article About Lifelong

? This is an entertaining look at how neural pathways enter into the process of unlearning. Before that, though, how do we even know what we should unlearn?

Habits Of Evolving People. Here Are The Signs You Are Growing As A…

In the book Evolving Learner, my coauthors and I share how learning from kids, peers, and the world (our learning network) gives us the social and emotional support to be strong enough to be vulnerable. A cycle of inquiry, such as

, provides a structure to challenge our beliefs through action research. The two combined give us the capacity to learn, unlearn, and relearn as needed. As adaptive experts, we can do the following:

Body Remodeling By EVOLVE - Evolve Body Article About Lifelong

This is an ongoing, iterative process. We will almost certainly fail along the way, but that is a natural part of this messy, nonlinear, and sometimes scary process.

The Educational Intelligent Economy

Last year, organizational psychologist Adam Grant tweeted, “What we need in leaders is not confidence, but confident humility.” Whatever our role is in education, we are all leaders, and as someone who battles with impostor syndrome, I try to leverage that humility, but I also need confidence to move forward.

Somewhere between paralyzing impostor syndrome and insufferable arrogance, there is a sweet spot, and using the strategies shared above, I believe we can find it. We can challenge ourselves to continuously learn, unlearn, and relearn. When we make ourselves better learners, we are also better teachers, and we model to kids what it means to evolve as a learner.

PDF) Biological Underpinnings For Lifelong Learning Machines - Evolve Body Article About Lifelong

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Il centro di Mercato Saraceno offre una sala fitness, una sala per i corsi di fitness musicale e due piscine: una di 25 × 12, 5 metri e una piscina didattica con caratteristiche ottimali per i più piccoli, una confortevole zona bar nella quale potersi rilassare e ricaricare.

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CXWORK di LES MILLS rappresenta un programma di allenamento che ha come obiettivo il tronco e le catene muscolari che connettono la parte inferiore e superiore del corpo...

Pilates rappresenta un sistema di allenamento ottimo per imparare a conoscere e sfruttare le potenzialità del nostro corpo ed ottenere un assetto posturale corretto...

La Back School letteralmente tradotta la “Scuola della schiena” nasce con lo scopo di insegnare ed educare ad un uso sano della schiena, attraverso esercizi e posture, secondo i principi...

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Lo spinning rappresenta un’attività di tipo aerobico che coinvolge tutti i muscoli del corpo. L’allenamento consiste nel simulare un percorso montuoso in pianura o in...

L’ACQUAGYM è una ginnastica svolta in ambiente acquatico a tempo di musica. La sua caratteristica è di sfruttare la resistenza dell'acqua per richiedere al corpo uno sforzo...

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L'impianto organizza corsi di nuoto per ogni fascia d'età e per ogni livello, dai corsi di acquaticità a quelli per adulti, sotto la guida di istruttori esperti e attenti. Indicato per...

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Il corso è rivolto alle gestanti dal 4° mese di gravidanza. La gravidanza è una fase della vita di una donna interessata da diversi cambiamenti: sul piano fisiologico vengono...

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Quello di acqua dolce non è un corso esclusivo per chi sa nuotare essendo adatto anche a persone che non hanno nessuna esperienza acquatica. L’acqua ha molteplici proprietà....

Jeet Kune abbreviato in JKD, è un'arte, scienza e filosofia del combattimento ideata da Bruce Lee negli anni sessanta  attraverso un processo di semplificazione, modificazione...

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L'attività sportiva per i bambini è fondamentale per uno sviluppo ottimale. Lo sport insegna ai piccoli a socializzare e a rispettare le regole. Una crescita armoniosa non può....

Il corso è rivolto alle gestanti dal 4° mese di gravidanza. La gravidanza è una fase della vita di una donna interessata da diversi cambiamenti: sul piano fisiologico vengono...

 - Body Art Mercato Saraceno Restaurant Supply Store Near Me

Quello di acqua dolce non è un corso esclusivo per chi sa nuotare essendo adatto anche a persone che non hanno nessuna esperienza acquatica. L’acqua ha molteplici proprietà....

Jeet Kune abbreviato in JKD, è un'arte, scienza e filosofia del combattimento ideata da Bruce Lee negli anni sessanta  attraverso un processo di semplificazione, modificazione...

 - Body Art Mercato Saraceno Restaurant Supply Store Near Me

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L'attività sportiva per i bambini è fondamentale per uno sviluppo ottimale. Lo sport insegna ai piccoli a socializzare e a rispettare le regole. Una crescita armoniosa non può....

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Developed by Kathy Waugh for PBS, and produced by WGBH. The show is set in the fictional U.S. city of Elwood City, and revolves around the lives of Arthur Read, an anthropomorphic aardvark,

The television series is based on the Arthur book series writt and illustrated by Marc Brown. WGBH Boston along with Montreal-based Cinar (now WildBrain) began production of the animated series in 1994, and aired its first episode on October 7, 1996.

 - Daysmart Body Arthur Tv Series Cast

A pilot for the spin-off series Postcards from Buster aired in December 2003 as a season 8 episode of Arthur. Postcards from Buster aired from October 11, 2004, to November 21, 2008; the series faced several years of hiatus, until a brief revival in February 2012, only to be cancelled after airing three unse episodes that had be held over from the show's third season.

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Arthur concluded its original run on PBS Kids on February 21, 2022. Despite concluding after 25 years, the show will continue to have new contt on PBS Kids and on the video app.

And autism spectrum disorder. It also courages reading and relationships with family and frids by explaining that people have differt personalities and interests.

It was the longest-running childr's animated series in the U.S., and is the third longest-running animated series in the U.S., behind Comedy Ctral's South Park.

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Arthur Read, the series' titular character, is an anthropomorphic brown aardvark who lives in the fictional town of Elwood City. He is a third-grade studt at Lakewood Elemtary School. Arthur's family includes two home-working parts, his father David (a chef) and his mother Jane (an accountant), his two younger sisters, Dora Winifred (D.W.), who is in preschool, and Kate, who is still an infant, and his dog Pal. Arthur also has several frids who come from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, and he also occasionally meets with members of his extded family.

Elwood City is portrayed as a largely suburban area which bears a strong resemblance to the Boston area; the TV series is partially produced by WGBH. There are also firm referces to Brown's hometown of Erie, Pnsylvania. Most notably, the local shopping mall in the TV show is called "Mill Creek Mall", a referce to Millcreek Mall. Brown himself stated that the series is influced by his upbringing as a child in Erie, and specifically noted that Mr. Ratburn is based on a middle-school algebra teacher he had at Westlake Middle School.

In 1994, Marc Brown was approached by WGBH and PBS about the possibility of adapting the Arthur books into a television series. Brown was reluctant at first to become a part of a medium for which he had little respect, but soon agreed wh he learned that the objective of the television series would be to use the powerful medium of television to courage childr to read books.

Arthur Tv Show Cast

Although the program was primarily writt and produced by WGBH of Boston, the production of the animation and voice acting were done in Montreal, Toronto, South Korea, and Hong Kong. The animation of the show was done at AKOM Production Company from season 1 to 11, th at Animation Services (HK) Ltd from season 12 to 15. The tire cast of Arthur lives in Montreal or Toronto, where Cookie Jar tertainmt's studios are located. The only segmts of the show that were filmed outside Canada were the "A Word from Us Kids" interstitials, filmed at elemtary schools or other educational sites in the Boston area. Beginning in Season 11, the "A Word From Us Kids" segmt was replaced by a segmt called "Postcards from You", where live action videos st in by young viewers were spotlighted per episode, and th replaced with "A Word from Us Kids" in season 12. The segmts are omitted from all airings outside the US.

Arthur (TV Series 1996–2022) - Daysmart Body Arthur Tv Series Cast

Marc Brown's childr, Tolon, Eliza, and Tucker, are referced in the show several times, just as they are in the Arthur book series. For example, the town's moving company is called "Tolon Moving", and everyday items such as cups or pcil sharpers have the word "Eliza" printed on them. Referces to Cookie Jar tertainmt and WGBH also appear oft on the show. In one episode, Francine and Buster are shown playing a table hockey game in which one team's players wear shirts in the Montreal Canadis' signature colors with Montreal-based Cinar's logo on them (Cinar was the predecessor to Cookie Jar tertainmt) and the other team's players wear shirts in the Boston Bruins' colors with Boston-based WGBH's sting logo on them.

Also, in the episode "The Big Blow-Up" in Season 2, a racecar driver wears a jersey with "Cinar" writt on it and a car with "WGBH" writt on it. In the episode "Prove It" in Season 4, Brain introduces D.W. to scice while watching a live-action episode of Nova, a scice series also produced by WGBH. Brown's son Tolon, for whom Brown first invted the character of Arthur the Aardvark in a bedtime story, was the executive director of the show.

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It was revealed that both the chairman Micheline Charest and presidt Ronald Weinberg invested $122 million (US) into Bahamian bank accounts without the board members' approval. Cinar had also paid American screwriters for work while continuing to accept Canadian federal grants for contt. However, Arthur itself was not involved in the scandal as it was publicly known to be co-produced with an American company. Head writers Joe Fallon and K Scarborough left around that time, but not because of the scandal; Fallon left about a year before the investigation began.

Following the departures of Charest and Weinberg, former CBC and YTV executive Peter Moss took over Cinar, assuming Charest's former position on the show as an executive producer alongside WGBH's Carol Grewald. By season 7, Moss had left Cinar to join Nelvana as a developmt executive, and financial director Andrew Porporino took his place as executive producer. He was replaced by longtime producer Lesley Taylor in season 8.

 - Daysmart Body Arthur Tv Series Cast

In the Season 14, the series began producing and airing episodes in 1080i HD. However, until October 15, 2012, in the U.S., the episodes still aired in 4:3 aspect ratio, with the left and right sides cropped out. They have since begun airing in 16:9 on October 15, 2012. Season 12 also marked the switching of animation studios from AKOM to ASHK. Starting with season 16, the series was produced by 9 Story tertainmt (now 9 Story Media Group) and aired in 16:9 aspect ratio. Alongside this change, 9 Story produced a re-mastered oping theme for the series in 16:9, and animation was moved in-house using Adobe Flash. Season 19 was the last season to be produced by 9 Story, with Montreal-based-Oasis Animation taking over starting in season 20.

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In November 2018, Bruce Dinsmore (voice of Binky, Mr. Read, and Bailey) revealed that he has finished recording the final episodes in advance.

The TV show's reggae-style theme song, "Believe in Yourself", was writt by Judy Hderson and Jerry de Villiers Jr. and was performed by Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers. A remixed techno version of the song has be officially released on the third album and a shorted version has be played during the closing credits for the sixth season. The Backstreet Boys covered the song with the original instrumtals for the ding credits of television special Arthur: It's Only Rock 'n' Roll.

In season 2, the song "Crazy Bus", writt and performed by th-head writer Joe Fallon, was introduced. It served as the alternate anthem of the television series. Cellist Yo-Yo Ma and jazz composer Joshua Redman covered the song on the ding credits of the season 4 finale episode, "My Music Rules". Wh Joe Fallon left Arthur after season 4, the song was officially retired from the show. The show mtions to this on the TV special Arthur: It's Only Rock 'n' Roll wh D.W. says, "Crazy Bus is for babies; I know a million better songs."

 - Daysmart Body Arthur Tv Series Cast

Everybody Reads The Record By The Record

Many celebrity guest stars have appeared on the show, each providing the voice for their anthropomorphic animal counterpart, except for Joan Rivers, who played as Francine's maternal grandmother. Lance Armstrong and Joan Rivers are the only guest stars to make more than one appearance on the series.

(Clockwise from upper left): Brain, Binky, Sue Ell, Francine, Muffy, Buster, Prunella, George, Arthur, Baby Kate. From the episode, "That's a Baby Show!"

Arthur's immediate family is the focus of the series, with most episodes involving Arthur, his younger sister D.W., their parts David and Jane, Baby Kate, and their dog, Pal. Arthur's closest frids include Buster, Francine, Muffy, Binky, Brain, and Sue Ell, along with others such as Fern, Prunella, Jna, and George as frequt supporting characters.

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The adults in Arthur play important roles: Mr. and Mrs. Read display a significant amount of stress from parting, Arthur's frids' parts are shown struggling in middle-class jobs, and Mr. Ratburn dures the demands and expectations of teaching elemtary school. Ev in difficult, adult situations, these grown ups maintain a cheerful attitude. Arthur, D.W., and Kate also visit their paternal grandmother, Thora Read, and maternal grandfather, Grandpa Dave.

 - Daysmart Body Arthur Tv Series Cast

Unlike most animated television series, Arthur

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Is an app that allows you to scan anything into PDF format, edit, e-sign, print directly from the app, and share files using just your mobile device. This April, we are implementing a new feature that will make managing PDF documents even more convenient.

How To Edit, Split, & Merge PDF Files Anywhere - Body Art Instructor Razuvious Guide Pdf Merger

Need a colleague to review two pages out of a 50-page document? No problem! Upload it to , select the pages in question, and extract them into a separate file. Share it via email or other platforms or print out directly from the app if you have to. You can also highlight text, add comments or images to facilitate the review process.

How To Edit, Split, & Merge Pdf Files Anywhere

Urgently need to send several separate documents as a single file but you’re away from your PC? You can do it very easily and quickly via : upload or scan your documents, select them from your saved files, and hit “Merge”.

You can even put together materials for an upcoming class on the go. Select pages with the theory sections from one text book, practical exercises from another, and combine them into a ready-to-use PDF file. You can also split them into multiple files. Share the file with your students via Google Сlassroom or print out directly from the app.

With Split & Merge, you can select any number of pages, rearrange or rotate pages, edit, and, very importantly, save the original files to help you track changes.

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Even now, many users have found this a challenging task, but today, we will make everything easier for you. Instead of hovering on the market about which one to use, why don't you spend a minute reading our review on the mergers we added here? In addition to that, we included steps for you to be able to merge or combine PDFs into a single doc. Finish this article to know more!

Before reading and learning how to merge PDFs, let's take a quick sneak peek at the available applications you can use that are listed here. After reading this, you can learn more about the merger in the next part of the comparison chart.

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For those who want to dig deeper about the PDF mergers and combiners we added here, you better read the information we added on each. To help you even more, read then follow the steps included here based on the app you chose to use.

PDF Merger is a simple yet effective application you can download to on how to combine PDF files, even if they are multiple files and pages. Its strength in merging is incomparable, for it is fully equipped with the suitable functions that PDF users might need on this task. Even with an old-school interface, you wouldn't have trouble understanding how this app works, even if you are a first-timer. Enjoy the ultimate merging it provides by following the indicated steps below.

Download the app on your device by clicking the button that is presented above. Follow the quick setup process to install it into your system and open the app.

Quick Guide: How To Merge PDF Files - Body Art Instructor Razuvious Guide Pdf Merger

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Now that the app is running in your system look at the upper left corner of the interface and click Add Files. Upload the files that you want to merge PDF.

After you have uploaded the PDF files, you can set the Destination Folder of the final output first to locate it quickly, then hit the Merge button and let the app process it. You can now sit back and relax while waiting for the PDF file.

Adobe Acrobat is a popular solution you can use on the web. The app is powered by Adobe, the maker of PDF format, so, naturally, they will create an app to work with the format. Since the app has been mentioned in this article, it is worth mentioning that it also has an additional PDF compressor to shrink the file size quickly. Unlike the app developed under the same management, this one is much easier to use because of its on-point interface, and its purpose is focused only on combining. So, if you want to use this Adobe merge PDF app, follow the steps here.

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Click the Select Files button on the main website to add the PDFs you want to combine. The uploading process might take a while, like on the succeeding apps, because their process will depend on your internet stability and strength.

Tick the box of every PDF file you want to be processed and click Merge. After that, click Download to have the PDF file on your device.

Latest Approaches To Merge/Combine PDF At Ease Online & Offline - Body Art Instructor Razuvious Guide Pdf Merger

SmallPDF merge isn't just small because it is terrible. Since it has a PDF on its name, expect that this app is a PDF editor and can solve your PDF problems. All the processes you have made here are secured and automatically deleted after an hour, so there is no need to worry about exploitation because it won't happen here. However, altering the PDF settings based on your preference isn't workable if you use its free version. Registering into its pro version allows you to do more into your PDF when using this; it may cost a dollar, but it is relatively cheap. Let's take a quick look at how this app merges the files with the steps here.

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Press Choose Files or drop the PDF files you want to merge in the middle. After that process, click Merge to proceed with adding more PDF files.

Click Add More to insert the PDF file you want to merge into the first one you add, and hit Merge PDF! to start the process.

ILovePDF merge is another application you can use to process your PDF files at ease. The app has a simplified interface but is enriched with features such as cropping PDFs. Even though the app is free to use, it is still helpful for users and professionals who need to make quick PDF changes. Also, there is no need for you to go into the app to continue using it, which saves time in processing. Overall, we can easily say that the app is a good pick for those who want to take this process lightly and effectively.

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Now that you have accessed the app, tick Select PDF File and a file folder will appear. Locate the PDF files you want to add to this merger online and click Open.

 - Body Art Instructor Razuvious Guide Pdf Merger

After you have uploaded the necessary PDF files that are needed to be merged, hit the Merge PDF icon, and the app will process it. When done, you will need to click the Download button to save the final combined output on your drive.

SodaPDF is another set of programs that offers complete toolkits that can handle merging PDFs online. Despite the features you can use here, it remains free for those who want to try it. This app is better because you can use its online version or download it on Windows or Mac and then use it without an internet connection. Unlike the application we have mentioned above, here you can upload files saved from DropBox or Google Drive and then save them back to the cloud storage. Yet, the free version has restrictions, and purchasing it is the only way to remove these limitations. Here are the steps you will only need to follow for those who want to test this app.

Quick Guide: How To Merge Pdf Files

When the app is opened, you will see an interface like this. With the PDF Merge, click Choose File to upload the PDF files you want to combine into a single file.

After the uploading process, click Merge Files. Another process will happen, click Download File to have the final output; now you have learned how to combine PDF files on Mac and Windows browsers with this app.

PDF, or Portable Document Format, is one of the most flexible file formats containing multiple elements on a single document. It processes well on any Adobe product since the format creator is from Adobe.Inc. Compared to its alternative format, this is the most secure format that it can encrypt with codes so that no one

 - Body Art Instructor Razuvious Guide Pdf Merger

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Cover art, with a "Psycho" emy in a pose traditionally used for Jesus in art, with a grade as the Sacred Heart

Borderlands 3 is a 2019 action role-playing first-person shooter video game developed by Gearbox Software and published by 2K. It is a sequel to 2012's Borderlands 2, and the fourth try in the main Borderlands series. Borderlands 3 was released on 13 September 2019 for PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One, and released for macOS on 30 October 2019. A Stadia port was released on 17 December 2019. Versions for the Xbox Series X and Series S and PlayStation 5 including free upgrades for users on the prior console versions were released on 10 and 12 November 2020, respectively.

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Players complete quests and side missions, in single-player or multiplayer, as one of four classes. Wh killed, emies may drop weapons and gear which can be equipped. New abilities are unlocked as the player gains experice. The plot is ctered on four new Vault Hunters recruited by the Crimson Raiders of Pandora to stop twins Troy and Tyre Calypso and their insane cult followers from harnessing the power of the ali Vaults spread across the galaxy.

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Upon release, Borderlands 3 received gerally favorable reviews with praise directed to its gameplay, though some criticized the lack of innovation, technical issues, and writing. The initial sales of the game were the highest of the Borderlands series: more than five million copies were sold in five days.

In this gameplay screshot, the player is fighting against a bandit. Weapons in Borderlands 3 are procedurally-gerated, similar to other games in the series.

Borderlands 3 is a first-person loot shooter. Players, either playing alone or in parties of up to four people, make a character from one of the four classes available, and take on various missions giv out by non-playable characters (NPCs) and at bounty boards to gain experice, in-game monetary rewards, and reward items. Players can also gain these items by defeating emies throughout the game. As the player gains level, they gain skill points to allocate across a skill tree. The game introduces four new playable characters: Amara, a "Sir" who summons ethereal fists; Moze, a young "Gunner" who rides the mecha Iron Bear; Zane, an "Operative" with a variety of gadgets; and FL4K, a robot "Beastmaster" who summons creatures to aid in fights.

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Unlike previous Borderlands games, where each character had only one unique skill that operates on a cooldown, each character in the new game can unlock three unique skills, though only one (or in Zane's case, two) can be equipped at a time, greatly expanding the number of pottial character builds a player can make.

Borderlands 3 shares the same core loop with previous games around taking on missions, defeating emies, and obtaining loot from fall foes or special chests, most oft in the form of procedurally gerated weapons to vary in damage, range, ammo capacity, and other special perks, giving the game "over one billion guns".

Perks can include elemtal effects, such as damaging the foes with fire, ice, or electricity, or may possess alternative firing behavior, among other visual differces.

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In Borderlands 2, some weapons had "slag" elemtal, which coated the emy for a short period and made them extremely vulnerable to a subsequt elemtal attack from a differt elemt. Slag weapons have be replaced with radiation; the coating and subsequt vulnerability remains the same as slag, but radiation damage will also hurt emies over time on its own and can pottially spread to other emies.

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The in-game manufacture of the guns also plays a larger role in the type of perks a weapon can have. Tediore guns can be thrown wh empty and create additional effects, Atlas have tracking bullets to hunt down emies in cover, and Hyperion can have shields that absorb damage and use that for other purposes such as healing as well as having a reverse recoil mechanic.

Other randomly-gerated items include class modifiers, grade modifiers, shield kits and relics. Wh playing with others, Borderlands 3's loot can be gerated on a per-server basis, meaning that players must split the loot, but new to the series, players can also have loot gerated on a per-player basis so that each player gains the same loot, scaled for their character level. This option also exists for the emies se in-game; by default emies only scale with the player-character's level that is operating the server, but wh abled, each player sees emies that match their individual levels.

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Besides character skills and weapons, player-characters have new combat maneuvers and abilities, such as crouch-sliding influced by the mechanic in Titanfall and Apex Legds, and wall-mounting to climb up over short heights.

While the game starts on the planet Pandora, the player early on gains access to a spacecraft, Sanctuary III, which serves as a ctral hub betwe missions, and is used to set destinations for new planets where possible Vaults have be idtified. While aboard Sanctuary III, players can manage their invtory, recover guns they had left on the field, redo their skill tree, purchase new guns and upgrades, and take on optional missions.

Borderlands 3 - Body Art Wikipedia Gamer Pic Xbox

Borderlands 3 has integration with Twitch streams; viewers can explore the streamer's invtory and skill tree, and special chests in game will offer the opportunity for viewers to receive the same gun/item that the stream finds via way of a Shift Code they can ter into their own game, scaled appropriately for their character's level.

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Gearbox creative director Paul Sage estimated that players will spd about 35 hours through the main quest line along with some side missions.

True Vault Hunter Mode, a type of New Game Plus, allows players to replay the campaign after finishing it with their leveled-up character, fighting more difficult emies for a chance of better loot. The Badass Rank system from Borderlands 2 will be replaced with a Guardian Rank system, which, by finishing smaller challges throughout the game, allows players to gain buffs that persist across all their characters.

Borderlands 3 will include new post-game challges. "Circles of Slaughter" found on various planets have players attempt to fight through difficult waves of emies for higher quality of loot. While downed players can be revived by teammates, if all player-characters die, the match is over and any pottial rewards are lost. "Proving Grounds" are a type of raid that must be first discovered by finding hidd markings across the game's worlds. Once discovered, players attempt to defeat all emies across three areas within 30 minutes to complete the challge and earn their rewards.

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As part of the Borderlands series, Borderlands 3 is ctered on the planet Pandora, which has be long-rumored to contain Vaults holding vast amounts of treasure and technology, left behind by a mysterious ali civilization known as the Eridians. In decades prior, several corporations have laid siege to Pandora to try to find the Vaults, but the constant conflict and bloodshed has left the planet and its population ravaged and crazed. However, there are still those indepdtly searching for the Vaults, known as Vault Hunters (the player characters).

Borderlands 3 takes place sev years after the evts of Borderlands 2 and Tales from the Borderlands. In Borderlands 2, it was discovered that numerous other Vaults exist on other planets in the galaxy. In the power vacuum left by the defeat of Handsome Jack, twin siblings Troy and Tyre Calypso form the Childr of the Vault (COV), a violt cult of personality formed from the remnants of the planet's many bandit factions, to gain possession of the other Vaults, specifically one called 'the Great Vault'. Lilith, a member of a race of wom with ali powers called 'Sirs' and currt leader of the Crimson Raiders, a resistance force created to protect Pandora, recruits new Vault Hunters to help stop the Calypsos.

Several characters from past Borderlands games make a return. Previously playable Vault Hunters Lilith, Claptrap, Zer0, Maya, Brick, and Mordecai appear as NPCs. Aurelia, Sir Hammerlock's sister and one of the playable Vault Hunters in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, also appears as a boss. Returning NPCs include gun salesman Marcus Kincaid, explosives expert Tiny Tina (now going by just Tina), trepreur Miss Mad Moxxi and her mechanic daughter Ellie, cyborg hunter Sir Alistair Hammerlock, archaeologist Patricia Tannis, weapons manufacturer Mr. Torgue, and isolating Eridium trader Crazy Earl. Rhys Strongfork, one of the two playable protagonists in Tales from the Borderlands, and his best frid Vaughn also appear. Playable Vault Hunters from previous titles, including Timothy Lawrce from The Pre-Sequel and Gaige, Krieg, Axton, and Salvador from Borderlands 2, are featured as NPCs in the game's DLC campaigns and modes.

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Answering a recruiting call from the Crimson Raiders, a team of Vault Hunters (Amara, Moze, Zane, and FL4K) arrive on Pandora and meet Lilith, who orders them to recover a lost Vault map, which the Childr of the Vault (COV) have rectly obtained. The Vault Hunters find the map, which directs them to the city-planet of Promethea, the location of the first discovered Vault and the Atlas corporation's headquarters. However, before they can depart, they are ambushed by

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